Dr. Kirsty Johnston

Kirsty Johnston (Theatre and Film) researches intersections between theatre, disability and health. She has investigated different disability theatre practices and their connection to the broader disability movement both within Canada and internationally. Her current research project, “Stages of Access: Theatre, Materiality and Inclusion” moves outside the disability arts context to explore the politics of inclusion in professional theatre training and practice more broadly.

  • Stage Turn: Canadian Disability Theatre. (In Press) McGill Queen’s University Press.
  • “Grafting Orchids and Ugly: Theatre, Disability and Arts-Based Health Research,” Journal of Medical Humanities (2010) 31.4: 279-294.
  • “Building a Canadian Disability Network: an Intercultural Approach,” Theatre Research in Canada (2009) 30.1: 170-192.

Kirsty Johnston, Department of Theatre and Film

Associate Professor (B.A. Queen’s, M.A. U. Toronto, Ph.D. U. Toronto)
Office: Auditorium Annex A Room 244E
Telephone: (604) 827-5542

Email: kirsty.johnston@ubc.ca
Website: http://theatrefilm.ubc.ca/persons/kirsty-johnston/



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