September 6: STS at UBC Welcome Event

Science and Society Series at Green College
Coach House, Green College, 5:00 – 6:30 pm, with reception to follow
“Science and Technology Studies at UBC: A Sampler of Topics and Perspectives”

After many years in the planning stages, the Science and Technology Studies Graduate Program is up-and-running with our first cohort of students and a full lineup of activities for the academic year. This session—our first gathering of the year—will be a “sampler” of the diverse topics and approaches to be found within the field of Science and Technology Studies and within the strong STS faculty at UBC. It is an opportunity to welcome back our faculty and our supporters, to welcome our new students, and to welcome anyone interested in seeing what sorts of things we do. Join us!

Judy Segal, Department of English, UBC
“What Can Rhetorical Scholarship Contribute to the Critical Study of Medicine?”

Alexei Kojevnikov, Department of History, UBC
“The Big Bang Theory: The Cultural Meanings of Modern Physics”

Margaret Schabas, Department of Philosophy, UBC
“What Kind of Science is Economics? The Case of Victorian Bioeconomics”