Heidi Tworek (History) works on the international history of communications technologies in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She is currently completing a book manuscript about how Germans used wireless technology to disseminate news around the world in the first half of the twentieth century. Her other projects investigate international organizations, media, intellectual property, higher education, and the relationship between technology and use.
- “Political and Economic News in the Age of Multinationals,” Business History Review 89.3 (Fall 2015), pp. 447–474.
- “The Savior of the Nation? Regulating Radio in the Interwar Period,” Journal of Policy History 27.3 (July 2015), pp. 465–492.
- “The Telegraph and the Bank: On the Interdependence of Global Communications and Capitalism, 1866–1914,” co-authored with Simone M. Müller, Journal of Global History 10.2 (July 2015), pp. 259–283.
- “Magic Connections: German News Agencies and Global News Networks, 1905–1945,” Enterprise & Society 15.4 (Winter 2014), pp. 672–686.
- “Journalistic Statesmanship: Protecting the Press in Weimar Germany and Abroad,” German History 32.4 (Winter 2014), pp. 559–578.
- “The Path to Freedom? Transocean and Wireless Telegraphy, 1914–1922,” Historical Social Research 35.1 (April 2010), pp. 209–233.
Heidi Tworek, Department of History
Assistant Professor (B.A., Cambridge University, A.M. and Ph.D. Harvard University)
Office: Buchanan Tower 1102
Email: heidi.tworek@ubc.ca
Website: http://www.history.ubc.ca/people/heidi-j-s-tworek